Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Once again I'm sorry for having to point out so many flaws in our political system. It seems that people have a bias attatched to well known political names. According to an article in USA today, there are over two dozen candidates running for congress or govenor who are related to previous holders of that exact position. So this begs the question, "are the american people basing some opinions on political candidates simply because of their name?

The answer is of course. It is not possible to remove all bias from the complex labyrinth of a political system. However it is a problem that because of candidates being decendants of positions of power and performing either to the liking or not of the public. So this bias could also prove to work against them. A New York Assemblyman Adam Clayton Powell IV wants to create his own impression instead of living in his father's impression. "I could make subways and buses [a vital mode of transport in downtown New York for commuters] free and there are still some people who would say 'Oh, that's just Adam Clayton Powell's son.'" Even father's are concerned about the images they have placed on their son's based on previous actions.

So what can we do? Once again all signs point to education. Not necessarily through the school system but educating the citizens on all political candidates that they will be voting for or against. It is not fair to have an uneducated demographic and ask them to decide who is best suited to lead them when the only knowledge they might have would be of a father who performed his role in office poorly. We need to find a way to better inform our people!