Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Finally Someone Agrees Wtih Me...

So there's a tight race down in the swamp country between Marco Rubio and Florida's govenor Charlie Crist. I was not fairly interested in the article about the race until I came across an accusation by Rubio. When being interviewed about his opposition, the man began on how politicians "will say or do anything to get elected." Hello?!? Exactly what I have been saying this whole time. How do we know that Rubio himself is not simply saying this to turn the tide in his favor?
Well it's pretty obvious that he is not running merely to win but actually stands fast in his policies. He is a proclaimed ultra-conservative but says he dose not care much for labels and stands by his policies. Another plus that puts Rubio on my good side is the fact that he is not afraid to take shots at the white house. Washington is morphing into a more liberal state, and Rubio puts his foot down when remarking "This healthcare bill has to be replaced. These ideas are too expensive. And they dont work..." Congressional efforts to limit greenhouse gases, he added, would "succeed in making us the cleanest Third-World economy on the planet."
So maybe there is hope yet for these politicians. I'll be following this race from now on to see what sort of ideas and promotional speeches that might not make it through my "BS" filter.

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