Friday, July 30, 2010

It's About Time

Finally I'm observing the political news and I hear something about education?! No way crazy right? Believe it or not Obama actually isn't just focused on getting himself out of this mess America put him in, but concerned about our future and what we can do in order to prevent further problems. "If we want succes in our country, we can't accept failure in our schools," Obama stated according to a New York Times article Obama Defends Education Programs. There are certain themes such as recessions and bank failures that can not be repeated to ensure the prosperity of our nation. How is that accomplished? By educating the less educated.
When people understand the facts and can analyze history, it becomes much easier to prevent the same mistakes from happening twice (such as the Great Depression). We aren't quite in the state of such desperation as the 1930's, but it is extremely unfortunate for our country to be in the billions of dollars of debt that we are in today. The most effective way of preventing future problems is to help upbring the uneducated so they do not make some of the same mistakes made in the past. It is important for Obama to recognize that there are many underqualified schools and underprivileged kids who do not recieve the proper education.

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