Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Someone's Gotta Give

I've been speculating recently about the values that our politicians today have when dealing with vital problems facing our nation. Is it not apparent that our nation and world is in an energy crisis? Most sane people can point to all the endless signs that we are not only relying to much on non-renewable resources, but destroying our planet in the process. A recent aritcle in the New York Times sparked my interest and prodded at my main purpose of investigating politicians true motives.
"What 7 Republicans Could Do," by Thomas Friedman is supporting the democratic's rational side of the energy bill being discussed in the Senate. We need to be a more energy efficient nation not only to protect and preserve our world, but to strengthen our dollar by keeping more money circulating in the United States. Our great competitor China has already surpassed us in the clean-technology area.
The author criticizes republicans because it would take only 7 to pass the bill. The problem I have with this situation is that it is hard to believe that there is not a single Republican who will vote against their party. This leads to one of my many skeptical questions pondering do politicians vote in fear of being rejected by their parties? Is there no moral sense in them these days that they will not take a stand for what they believe in, instead bend over in support of their party just to play the game?
All sources point to the energy bill at being cardinal in our prosperity. Now the only things standing in its way are stubborn republicans.

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